No one wants to think of something bad happening while you are out and about on the road, but it helps to have some peace of mind knowing that you are prepared!

Here is a list of some “must-have” items you can toss into a backpack and keep in the trunk!

  • Firsts off, find a durable backpack to hold it all. A backpack is better than just tossing items in the back of your car or into a trunk organizer because you can use the backpack to grab and go if needed.
  • Jumper cables, these could end up helping you or even someone else along the way.
  • Make sure you always have a spare tire (that is in good shape) and a jack in the car somewhere, obviously these items won’t fit into your backpack!
  • Spare car fuses. Imagine being out on a road trip, and the charging port you are using to keep your phone from dying blows a fuse! Yikes! At least this way you are prepared and can get the juices flowing again soon!
  • Flat tire inflation canister. Make sure it is non-explosive. This could get you back on the road to the next stop for a permanent tire fix.
  • Flashlight
  • Blanket
  • Paper towels or rags
  • Depending on your climate, gloves, hats, socks could come in helpful
  • Pen and Paper
  • Flares or roadside flare kit
  • Seasonal items, such as an umbrella, ice scrapper, etc
  • Duct tape. You just never know!
  • An ABC type fire extinguisher. You hope to never have to use it, but will be thankful it is there if you do need to. Be sure to learn how to use it as well 🙂
  • Granola or energy bars
  • Water
  • First Aid kit, this can just be a ziplock bag with some essentials or you can buy a premade kit, they range greatly and come in many sizes.
  • A multi-purpose tool with a knife would be very beneficial as well if needing to cut a seatbelt, breaking a window or anything in between!

Nothing beats being prepared!