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Buying a Car on Black Friday/Cyber Monday?
Of course, this year will be a little different, with a lot of deals starting earlier, and online, but Black Friday and Cyber Monday isn’t just for TV’s and Electronics anymore! Don’t forget to check out your favorite dealerships for great deals on a new to you vehicle!

Dealerships will be having great deals because:
They must compete with more common retailers to get your attention! Which means great promotions – equalling excellent pricing for you!
These popular shopping days are the last part of the month, which means salespeople and dealerships are trying to get their quota met, which means they could throw in some extra deals to make the sale!
One more reason is the new vehicles are rolling in and they want to clear out the current year inventory to make room! This is a great time to look at the 2020 models!

Here are some tips!
Start NOW! Get a list of your top dealerships that you prefer or that have the vehicle you have your eye on. Check out their websites and even give them a call to see what they are offering.
Black Friday or Cyber Monday, either day is great, and deals on either day will be sweet for sure!

Remember the big push for everything this year is online sales, so do your research and see how much of the process can be done online through your chosen dealerships. Many will even deliver your car to you!
Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the process! This is still very new to everyone and the dealership staff is there to help you make the process as safe and comfortable as possible!
Don’t forget to check out the over 415 vehicles online at Dallas Lease Returns and in the HUGE indoor showroom!
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