In this day and age, you can call a ride at the press of a button on your smartphone. However, drivers of these ride services (such as Uber and Lyft) are not always safe, and it is important to note that they are still strangers. This is why we created this list of tips to help you stay safe the next time you summon a ride…t might just save your life. 

Plan ahead

Before you request a ride, know where your destination is, so you are aware of the general route your driver should be headed. If he/she is taking you in the opposite direction, or a strange route, text 911 or try to escape the vehicle.

Request your ride inside

To avoid the possibility of an abduction, do not wait for your Uber or Lyft driver outside with your phone in your hand. Instead, wait indoors until the app shows your driver has arrived.

Get in the right car

Before you get in the car, check that the license plate, driver photo, and driver name all match what’s listed in the app. Rides can only be requested through the app, so never get in a car with a driver who claims to be with Uber or Lyft, and offers a ride.

Be a backseat rider

If you’re riding alone, sit in the backseat. This ensures you can safely exit on either side of the vehicle to avoid moving traffic. It also gives you, and your driver, some personal space.

Buckle up

The Centers for Disease Control reports that seatbelt use is the most effective way to save lives, and reduce injuries related to car accidents.

Share your trip details with a friend

If using Uber, while en route, tap “Share status” in the app to share your driver’s name, photo, license plate, and location with a friend or family member. They can track your trip, and your ETA without downloading the Uber app.

Protect your personal information

There’s no need to share your phone number, or other contact information, with your driver. If a rider and driver need to contact each other, the Uber or Lyft app automatically obscures both phone numbers to protect everyone’s privacy.

Follow your intuition

Trust your instincts, and use your best judgment when riding. If you ever feel you’re in an emergency situation, call or text 911 immediately. Don’t worry about being foolish or overreacting, it’s always better to play it safe rather than be sorry.

Give feedback on your trip

Your feedback helps improve the driving experience for everyone. If your Uber or Lyft driver made you uncomfortable, report them. It may save the next person.

We hope you consider  these tips the next time you summon a ride from Uber or Lyft, or any other ride service. Have any other safety ideas? Please share in the comments below!