Before you embark on a holiday road trip, it’s important to ensure your child’s safety in the car. Tragic accidents happen every day, yet some can be prevented. Follow these Dallas Lease Returns tips to keep your child safe while in the car.

Check the Car Seat

We all know how children can be; one second they’re in the place where they should be, the next they are in a completely different area! Before you drive away, ensure that your child is safely in their car seat and make sure they are properly buckled in.

As your child grows, upgrade their car seat appropriately. State laws vary, but as a rule of thumb, children should be in a car seat until they’re 8 years old unless they are 49 inches tall. Experts at Tot Squad recommend the 5-step test to determine if you are ready to get rid of your child’s car seat.

Buckle Up

Even if you have older children that do not have to be in a car seat, you need to always make sure they are buckled up. Seat belts save lives every single day. Going unbuckled is not only unsafe, but is also illegal. Always ensure the straps of the seat belt or car seat harness are not twisted and that your child is safely belted or restrained in their seat before driving.

Practice Safe Driving

Don’t trust that the “Kids On Board” sign in the rear window of your car will ensure safety from other drivers. Instead, stay proactive and defensive in your driving by staying alert and aware of what’s going on around you. Defensive driving practices, such as maintaining awareness, using signals and following the law can help keep you and your kids safe.

Your family’s happiness and wellbeing are our top priority here at Dallas Lease Returns! We hope you will remember these tips before you embark on your holiday adventures. If you’re looking for a safer, family car- click here to browse our inventory today!